Thursday, December 18, 2008

If I was five years older

If I was five years older i will move out my mothers house. I would get my own apartment so I could have company when and how long I want to. I would find me another job that is paying more. I would go to the boat and try to win some money. I would go out clubbing as much as I can. I could stay out and not have to worry about my mother calling me to see where I'm at or to come in the house. I would be able to by thing from the stores that I cant by now. Then I would go all around the would to travel to places I have never been to.

1 comment:

babycakes said...

it want be the same living be your sself because after so much company you gon get tired of seeing everybody. clubbing, you can never get tried of that. the boat you better be careful cause not everybody win when they go. but good luck when you do go.