Monday, December 1, 2008

The bravest thing ever

One day this summer i went to six flags with my boy friend, sister, cousin, and friends. I'm scared of heights and the rides looked very tall. The rides were going very fast and looked very scary. This was my first time at six flags so i didn't know what to aspect. At first i was about to cry when i was about to get on my first rise called the giant drop. To me it seemed like that was the tallest ride there. When i set down in the chair i took i deep breath. It seem like i was going to fall out and the ride seem like it took forever to take off. When it finally went up, it went slowly and then it set at the top a while. Next thing you know it flow down and the ride was over. Everything went so fast that it wasn't even scary and i got on for a second time. I had the best time ever.


Queen Loretha said...

Breanna I at first I was scared to get on that ride too.But my little cuzin who is 13 year old she had got on there.In I told my if my little cuzin can get on that ride then so can I in I had got on.But I did the samething you did I had took a deep breath in thats when we had went up.But I had really liked that ride alot.In i'm glad that you liked it too.

Squack said...

that really brave. squack

Da Artist said...

yo scary self, naw im just playing, but loretha is.

2 Cute 2 B Change said...

i felt the same way like i was going to die soon as i got on the ride

Jeezy said...

you was scare just playing with ya

babycakes said...

that is so cute.