I dont mind when poeple ask me questions but it drives me crazy when they ask me the same question over and over again. Poeple dont have to repeat their self to me because im a good listener. I feel if you say it once you shoudlnt have to say it again.
Something esle that gets me irritated is sharing the bathroom in morning. Sometimes it takes poeple all day to get finsh with what they are doing and it makes me late to wherever i have to go.
One thing everyone hate is when the bus is crowd after school. Some buses wont even stop to pick up the kids because there is no room to get on. Then I have things to do after school like to go pick my baby up from daycare or sometimes go to work. When the buses are crowd everyone be jam up agaisnt each other , cant move around and then it get so hot to the piont that you cant even stand up any more.
One thing i hate is when I run out of money. I need money for everything like getting on the bus, buying things I need or for getting something to eat. Every once in while i try to help my mom out with the bills when she needs help but if I have any money I cant do it.